West Virginia Explosion

In west Virginia 4 miners were trapped in a coal mine after a deadly explosion on Friday. At least 25 miners died from Monday afternoon’s explosion,4 remain missing, and two are injured.  The reading showed high levels of methane and hydrogen and high levels or carbon dioxide which may be the reason for the explosion. The cold front moved explosive gasses which reduced the chances of another explosion. The 4 miners that are still missing are believed to be 2,000 feet away in a new development area of the mine.  Thankfully we have great recruiters who refuse to give up and they continue looking for the survivors.ntsb

Assult on Middle School Bus Driver in Richmond, Virginia

school-busYesterday, November 29, six middle school students were arrested and charged for assaulting their bus driver.  The bus driver was a 55-year-old bus driver and the attack caused him to suffer face and head injuries.  A seventh student was suspended because they were connected to the incident.  These six students have not yet been identified.  The estimated time of the attack was 7:30 am on Tuesday morning.

A mother of one of the middle school students involved said that it started when the students on the bus threw crayons at the bus driver and she claims that the bus driver got mad and starting hitting her son which caused the assault to occur.  The police involved said that more information will be released when they get to the bottom of this situation and that appropriate discipline will be given to the students that were involved.